Tuesday 12 July 2011

The Terminal.

Question:What you going to do if  you were in  Viktor Navorski shoes.

Answer:If i were Tom Hanks As Viktor Navorski in The Terminal,I will do exactly  the same as what he do in the airport.Trying to survive and finding a way to get out there to accomplish his father mission.Doing the legal things to find some money to eat or work as the construction will be alright for the time being.Use the history books or any magazines to  learn English words.Helping people that's need help even the characters a little bit irritating for sometimes. Viktor finds the compressed universe of the terminal to be a richly complex world of absurdity, generosity, ambition, amusement, status, serendipity and even romance with a beautiful flight attendant named Amelia (Catherine Zeta-Jones).

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