Tuesday 12 July 2011

The Terminal.

Question:What you going to do if  you were in  Viktor Navorski shoes.

Answer:If i were Tom Hanks As Viktor Navorski in The Terminal,I will do exactly  the same as what he do in the airport.Trying to survive and finding a way to get out there to accomplish his father mission.Doing the legal things to find some money to eat or work as the construction will be alright for the time being.Use the history books or any magazines to  learn English words.Helping people that's need help even the characters a little bit irritating for sometimes. Viktor finds the compressed universe of the terminal to be a richly complex world of absurdity, generosity, ambition, amusement, status, serendipity and even romance with a beautiful flight attendant named Amelia (Catherine Zeta-Jones).


Shouting "Roma Invicta!" as his forces attack, General Maximus Decimus Meridius leads the Roman Army to victory against Germanic barbarians in the year 180 AD, ending a prolonged war and earning the esteem of elderly Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Although the dying Aurelius has a son, Commodus, he decides to appoint temporary leadership to the morally-upstanding Maximus, with a desire to eventually return power to the Roman Senate. Aurelius informs Maximus and offers him time to consider before informing Commodus, who, in a bout of jealousy, murders his father. Declaring himself the emperor, Commodus asks Maximus for his loyalty, which Maximus, realizing Commodus' involvement in the Emperor's death, refuses. Commodus orders Maximus' execution and dispatches Praetorian Guards to murder Maximus' wife and son. Maximus narrowly escapes his execution and races home only to discover his family's charred and crucified bodies in the smoldering ruins of his villa. After burying his wife and son, a grieving Maximus succumbs to exhaustion and collapses on their graves.

Slave traders find Maximus and take him to Zucchabar, a rugged province in North Africa, where he is purchased by Proximo, the head of a local gladiator school. Distraught and nihilistic over the death of his family and betrayal by his empire, Maximus initially refuses to fight, but as he defends himself in the arena his formidable combat skills lead to a rise in popularity with the audience. As he trains and fights further, Maximus befriends Hagen, a Germanic barbarian, and Juba, a Numidian hunter, the latter becoming a close friend and confidant to the grieving Maximus, the two speaking frequently of the afterlife and Maximus' eventual reunification with his family.

In Rome, Commodus reopens the gladiatorial games to commemorate his father's death, and Proximo's company of gladiators are hired to participate. In a recreation of the Battle of Zama (incorrectly named the Battle of Carthage) at the Colosseum, Maximus leads Proximo's gladiators to decisive victory against a more powerful force, much to the amazement of the crowd. Commodus descends into the arena to meet the victors and is stunned to discover Maximus as the leader of Proximo's gladiators. The Emperor, unable to kill Maximus because of the crowd's roaring approval for him, sulks out of the arena. As the games continue, Commodus pits Maximus against Tigris of Gaul, Rome's only undefeated gladiator, in an arena surrounded by chained tigers with handlers instructed to target Maximus. Following an intense battle, Maximus narrowly defeats Tigris and awaits Commodus' decision to kill or spare Tigris. As Commodus votes for death, Maximus spares Tigris, deliberately insulting the Emperor and garnering the audience's approval. His bitter enemy now known as "Maximus the Merciful," Commodus becomes more frustrated at his inability to kill Maximus or stop his ascending popularity while Commodus' own popularity shrinks.

Following the fight, Maximus meets his former servant Cicero, who reveals that Maximus's army remains loyal to him. They are camped at the port Ostia. Maximus forms a plot with Lucilla, Commodus' sister, and Senator Gracchus to reunite Maximus with his army and overthrow Commodus. Commodus however, suspecting his sister's betrayal, threatens her young son and forces her to reveal the plot. Praetorian guards immediately storm Proximo's gladiator barracks, battling the gladiators while Maximus escapes. Hagen and Proximo are killed in the siege while Juba and the survivors are imprisoned. Maximus escapes to the city walls only to witness Cicero's death and be ambushed by a legion of Praetorian guards.

Maximus (Russell Crowe-right) battles Tigris of Gaul (Sven-Ole Thorsen-left)Concluding that legends born in the Colosseum must die there, Commodus challenges Maximus to a duel in front of a roaring audience. Acknowledging that Maximus' skill exceeds his own, Commodus deliberately stabs Maximus with a stiletto, puncturing his lung, and has the wound concealed beneath the gladiator's armor. In the arena, the two exchange blows before Maximus rips the sword from Commodus's hands. Commodus requests a sword from his guards, but they betray him and refuse to lend him their weapons. Maximus drops his own sword, but Commodus pulls a hidden stiletto and renews his attack. Maximus then beats Commodus into submission and kills him with his own stilletto. As Commodus collapses in the now-silent Colosseum, a dying Maximus begins seeing his wife and son in the afterlife. He reaches for them, but is pulled back to reality by the Praetorian prefect Quintus, who asks for instructions. Maximus orders the release of Proximo's gladiators and Senator Gracchus, whom he reinstates and instructs to return Rome to a Senate-based government. Maximus collapses, and Lucilla rushes to his aid. After being reassured that her son is safe and Commodus is dead, Maximus dies and wanders into the afterlife to his family in the distance. Senator Gracchus and Proximo's gladiators carry his body out of the Colosseum. That night, a newly freed Juba buries Maximus' two small statues of his wife and son in the Colosseum, and says that he too will eventually join them, but not yet

The Chronicles Of Narnia.The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader.Synopsis

Lucy and Edmund Pevensie return to Narnia with their cousin Eustace where they meet up with Prince Caspian for a trip across the sea aboard the royal ship The Dawn Treader. Along the way they encounter dragons, dwarves, merfolk, and a band of lost warriors before reaching the edge of the world.


Opening scene: a camera sweeps high across the treeline of a lush, green world. Intercut is a sequence of images of Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), a crippled war veteran and former Marine, waking up in a giant spaceship on its way to Pandora, a lush Earth-like moon orbiting a blueish Jupiter-like planet. He is one of a large number of passengers, all waking up after almost six years of cryosleep en route to Pandora. Drifting out of his sleeping pod in zero G he's comforted by the ship's staff. He opens his locker marked SULLY T. Then, through voice-over and flashback with both hospital and military officials, we learn that Jake has a deceased twin brother -- Tom, a scientist -- who was to be part of a highest-level program overseen by corporate and military strategists. Because Jake and his brother are an exact genetic match, he was presented with a unique opportunity: take over his brother's contract with a corporate-military entity and travel light years away to an outpost on the previously glimpsed world, Pandora. Acknowledging the notions of "being free" and having a "fresh start," Jake agrees to the deal as his brother's body is cremated.

Now being transported from the spaceship to Pandora via a shuttle, Jake is one of many soldiers and civilian personnel about to touch down on Pandora, actually a moon of the planet of Polyphemus, some 4.3 light years from Earth. We catch views of the base and its construction as Jake ponders his new role. The passengers are all instructed to wear a full-face breathing mask since the atmosphere of the planet will not support human life for long. While the other passengers disembark and take their first steps onto the base, Jake follows them in his wheelchair. He acknowledges through voice-over that he lost the use of his legs during one of his tours of duty on Earth, and while a spine can be fixed, that "takes money," which is tough to come by in the present economy.

Jake goes immediately to a military briefing where Colonel Miles Quaritch (
Stephen Lang) is addressing the assembled soldiers. He reminds them they're "not in Kansas any more," and he tells them about Pandora's indigenous population, the Na'vi. Quaritch says they are "hard to kill" and practically everything "out there" will try to kill you. And, while it's his job to keep his people alive, he says he will not succeed in this task -- "not with all of you." If they wish to survive, he continues, they will have to follow "Pandora Rules."

Jake goes to a science lab where he meets biologist Norm Spellman (
Joel David Moore) and Dr. Max Patel (Dileep Rao), two members of the Avatar Program. As Jake gets his first look at his own avatar, we learn about the program itself.

Humans are unable to breathe Pandora's air, but the Avatar Program enables a human to link with their own avatar, a genetically-bred human-Na'vi hybrid, and function as if they were a Na'vi native. In his avatar body, Jake will be able to walk again and breathe the atmosphere.

Jake and Norm enter the science area just about the time Dr. Grace Augustine (
Sigourney Weaver), the program's science lead, awakens in her pod and flips open the top. Norm says to Jake he hears she likes "plants better than people." She arises from her pod and converses in Na'vi with Norm. Satisfied with Norm's command of the language, she turns to Jake. She tells him she needs his brother Tom, the PhD who trained 3 years for the Pandora mission, but she doesn't need him, since Jake had had no lab experience or has never been linked to his avatar.

Jennifer's Body.synopsis

In the small town of Devil's Kettle, Minnesota, the story focuses on two girls who are best friends. One of them is Anita "Needy" Lesnicky (Amanda Seyfried), a blond-haired, nerdy, substantially unpopular, "plain jane" student. The other focus is on Jennifer Check (Megan Fox), a beautiful black-haired girl who is a cheerleader on the school's flag team.

One evening, Jennifer has Needy accompany her to a local bar, where an Indie Rock Band named Low Shoulder is playing. During the performance, the bar catches on fire, and Needy and Jennifer just barely escape from being killed in the fire. Upon escaping, they are accosted by the band who seem to have made it out okay. However, Needy watches as the band members lead Jennifer to their van, before driving away, with Needy watching as the remains of the bar collapses to the ground in a fiery inferno.

Needy eventually makes it home where she finds a note from her mother whom is working evenings. Needy calls her boyfriend Chip (Johnny Simmons), and explains about the disaster. However, she soon encounters Jennifer in her home: clothing torn, and bleeding. Things get even stranger, as Needy watches Jennifer tear into a raw chicken in her fridge and give an otherwordly roar at her, before spewing up a black substance all over the floor. Jennifer further terrorizes Needy when she throws her against a wall asking her if she is scared of her. Jennifer then runs out the front door leaving a bewhildered and frightened Needy behind.

The next day, the tragedy of the bar fire has captured the town, with many in the local high school feeling the tragedy. Key among them is the high school football captain, whom Jennifer leads into the nearby woods after school. Later on in the day, a teacher at the school finds the captain's remains, and the town is rocked by the additional tragedy.

A month passes by, Jennifer begins to look a little pale and gaunt. As Needy watches, Jennifer catches the eye of the school nerd Colin Gray (Kyle Gallner), and asks him to meet her at her house.

The next evening, Needy spins time with her boyfriend Chip, while Colin goes to meet Jennifer... only to find her at a still-in-construction house in a deserted neighborhood. Chip meets Jennifer whom in an upstairs room of the underconstruction house which is lit by various candles. It is here that Jennifer suddenly transforms into a white-eyed humanoid creature kills and 'eats' Colin, as Needy has a shocking vision that causes her to panic as Chip makes love to her.

Needy leaves her boyfriend's place, and drives away, only to encounter Jennifer walking like an animal across the road, before jumping onto her car's windshield. Needy returns home, only to find Jennifer sleeping in her bed. Jennifer then kisses Needy, which turns into a hot make-out session, which causes Needy to verbaly snap over what is going on. Needy orders Jennifer to leave, but Jennifer instead confesses what happened to her on the night the local bar burned down....

In a flashback sequence, the band Low Shoulder drover Jennifer out into a forested area, in hopes to offer her as a Satanic sacrifice, in exchange for fame and fortune. During the band's discussions, several wondered if Jennifer really was a virgin, and she said she was (in hopes that they would let her go). Using some instructions they downloaded off the internet, they spoke an incantation, before stabbing her with a knife, which was then thrown into a whirlpool off the nearby Devil's Kettle Falls.

Resident Evil: Apocalypse.

The film begins with Alice (Milla Jovovich) recalling key events from the first film. On September 29, 2002, thirteen hours after the initial T-Virus outbreak in The Hive, the Umbrella Corporation sends in a research team to re-open the complex. The entire team is slaughtered by zombies and Lickers who have been sealed within the complex. With the entrance now open to the surface Umbrella establishes a security perimeter around Raccoon City to keep citizens in a quarantined area safe.

After surviving The Hive, Alice was recovered by Umbrella and used for experimentation. She has gained superhuman powers because the T-virus bonded with her blood on a cellular level. Awakening in an empty hospital and recognizing the virus has escaped she arms herself from an abandoned police car and enters the city on foot.

While Umbrella is evacuating civilians at the only bridge leading out of the city, police officer, Jill Valentine (Sienna Guillory) meets with her friend, Sergeant Peyton Welles. However, the T-Virus begins to affect citizens at the checkpoint, and Peyton is bitten by a zombie. Umbrella supervisor Timothy Cain seals the exit and orders his soldiers to fire rounds at the sky, scaring the civilians to return to the infected city. Elsewhere, Carlos Olivera (Oded Fehr) and two other Umbrella soldiers, Nicholai Ginovaeff (Zack Ward) and Yuri Loginova, link up with multiple Special Tactics And Rescue Squad units to hold against an onslaught of zombies in the street. However, they are overrun, causing Carlos and his team to fall back with an infected Yuri, bitten during the battle. Jill, Peyton and a news weather lady named Terri lock themselves in a church full of lickers; they are saved by the heavily armed Alice at the last minute.

Umbrella soon dispatch their Nemesis program (Matthew G. Taylor) to kill all remaining S.T.A.R.S. operatives and as many of the undead as possible. When he encounters L.J. (Mike Epps) and thirteen other members of S.T.A.R.S, they open fire on him, before he guns the S.T.A.R.S down but spares L.J's life when he drops his weapons. Dr. Charles Ashford (Jared Harris), an Umbrella scientist and creator of the T-virus, has refused extraction until he has located and rescued his daughter Angela (Sophie Vavasseur). He soon determines she is hiding out in her school. He informs Alice and her team that Umbrella's method of sanitizing Raccoon City is by nuking it, but offers to arrange an evacuation in exchange for rescuing Angela. Alice is separated from the group when Nemesis appears and kills Peyton. Jill and Terri make it to the school, picking up L.J. on the way, and encounter Carlos and his team, acting under the same offer. After encounters with zombie dogs and infected children who respectively kill Nicholai and Terri, Alice saves the group again and they succeed in finding Angela.

Dr. Ashford gives Alice the location of the extraction point, before being intervened by Major Cain. The group makes it to the point but are cornered by Major Cain, holding Dr. Ashford who kills him to force Alice to fight Nemesis. As she defeats Nemesis, she realizes his true identity (her former friend, Matt Addison) and refuses to deliver the killing blow. Her mercy appears to rekindle a trace of Nemesis's former humanity; they join forces and attack the Umbrella troops. Nemesis is killed in the ensuing fight whilst Alice and the others escape in the helicopter, leaving Major Cain to be eaten alive (the first bite by the re-animated corpse of Dr. Ashford) just before the city is nuked.

The helicopter is caught up in the blast radius and crashes into the Arklay Mountains. Alice is impaled by a loose metal pole, before being recovered by Umbrella. She is taken to the Detroit Umbrella research station. After several weeks, she awakens in a giant water tank, regenerated from her injuries. Led by Umbrella scientist Dr. Isaacs (Iain Glen), the doctors begin questioning her. At first, she appears to have